The NAPAC team would like to take a moment to acknowledge the difficulties that the UK news landscape may be causing survivors at this time, and to reassure all survivors that we are here if you need support.
Over the past few weeks there have been several challenging news cycles that may be triggering for survivors of childhood abuse and those who support them. There has been a noticeable increase in coverage around childhood abuse across many mainstream outlets, and this looks set to play a significant part in the news cycles of the coming months.
If the content of these reports is triggering you, causing you to feel anxious, frightened, or angry and you are having difficulty processing these emotions, we are here for you.
If you wish to make a disclosure of your own, we are here for you.
If you are concerned for a survivor’s wellbeing, and need advice on how to best support them, we are here for you.
Though in general it has improved, there are times at which media outlets are unthinking in their promotion of painful news stories and how these may affect the wellbeing of those with past trauma. There is no shame in feeling emotionally uprooted by these stories and in need of support, that is what we are here for.
When you’re ready, you can call us on our free, confidential support line on 0808 801 0331, email us at or download our free series of advice booklets for survivors.