NAPAC (the National Association for People Abused in Childhood) will be running 12 week survivor support groups in Dorking, Cardiff, Warrington and London, starting in early 2017. These groups, for up to 12 participants, are for adults who suffered any type of childhood abuse.
Potential participants are being invited to register their interest now. Each support group will be led by two experienced facilitators and runs for 12 weekly sessions, lasting 2 ½ hours each.
NAPAC’s support group model draws on the latest research on developmental trauma disorders and is focused on empowering survivors to take charge of their recovery. The groups combine psycho-education about all types of childhood abuse – emotional, physical, sexual and neglect – and its impact into adulthood. Group activities support participants in processing their past and adopting healthier coping mechanisms in the future. Progression is monitored closely and each group is fully evaluated using the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation (CORE) model which is used throughout the NHS.
Gabrielle Shaw, CEO of NAPAC said: ‘Many adult survivors of child abuse find it hard to cope with life or struggle with low self-esteem, anger, self-blame or relationships. Our facilitated support groups model provides a unique opportunity for survivors to build trust and connections in a safe setting and gain access to knowledge and tools that will assist in building a better life for themselves.’
Shaw continued: ‘There is very little specialist support available for adult survivors, many people feel desperate, yet there is minimal provision within the NHS. It is time we stopped treating the symptoms of childhood trauma, such as depression, anxiety, self-harm and addictions and started offering people trauma-informed and focused support on demand.’
Victims’ Commissioner Baroness Newlove said: ‘The effects of childhood abuse can often remain long into adulthood, and many victims and survivors don’t know who to turn to or where to go when they need support. We need to make sure that appropriate services are in place and accessible for those who require it – at whatever time in their life.’
Find out more here
These groups are being funded by the Home Office and City Bridge Trust.