Nottingham training course, Tues 17 April 2018. Supporting Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

We have a one-day SASCA training course coming up in central Nottingham on Tuesday, 17 April 2018.

This course is aimed at professionals including counsellors, therapists, GPs, nurses, mental health teams, drug and alcohol services, A&E, eating disorder specialists, ISVAs and also social workers, police and probation officers who may be working with adult survivors of child abuse.

The SASCA programme, which is accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), explores how to respond sensitively and effectively to first disclosures, describes survival strategies and coping mechanisms in adults, post-traumatic stress reactions and trauma-informed practices.

There are just 20 places on the SASCA course. Book now for an early bird discount. We will be running SASCA training courses in London, Cardiff and Manchester later this year.

Course content details here

We also run on-site training for organisations if you have large numbers of staff who would benefit from our training. Please get in touch to discuss your training needs.