Survivors’ Stress Responses


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Courses in this Group


How to purchase

In order to purchase for more than one person, select the Group option and the number of courses you would like to buy.

In your NAPAC account you can then assign a course to a registered email address. The email address you assign the course to must also have registered with NAPAC, you can register here.

Once the course has been purchased and assigned, the user can login to their account and begin the course.


To provide participants with extensive grounding in stress responses as a result of trauma, and to identify the impact of stress on the brain’s development


Who should take this course?

Anyone with a professional or personal interest in this field of work for example: counsellors, students, health and social care professionals

Please note: this course does not qualify you to work with individuals in this specialist area of counselling unless you also hold further experience and/or qualifications to do so.

It is important that you work within your capabilities and have access to a supervisor who is experienced in this field of work.


What you will learn

  • Understand the role of a stress response in the context of trauma
  • Recognise the impact of stress upon the survivor’s brain development
  • Understand the relationship between the physical, emotional and psychological symptoms reported by survivors of childhood abuse and chronic stress
  • Empower and support survivors in their recovery


Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

This course provides 3 hours of CPD and is certified by NAPAC.

You can start the course at any time you like and complete it in as many sittings as you like.


Do I need to submit any written work?

The learning is self-directed. You do not need to submit any work.


What will I need to get the best out of the course?

  • Notebook as you may want to note your thoughts and reflections, which you may find useful to refer to in future.
  • A suitable location in which to study


What if the course brings up certain thoughts and feelings for me; who can I talk to?

Thinking and learning about childhood abuse will certainly be difficult for some people. If you are affected by any of the course content, please call NAPAC’s support line on 0808 801 0331 and talk to someone. We offer a confidential listening service on calls of up to half an hour and can signpost you towards services that may be available in your area for longer term support.

If you need to talk to someone outside of NAPAC’s opening hours, you can call Samaritans 24/7 365 days a year on 116 123.