Trustees’ Week 2020

Trustees’  Week is a time to celebrate the fantastic people who give their time and expertise to charities across the UK. NAPAC is proud to have a Board of Trustees who are so engaged and willing to provide guidance and practical support.

Effective governance is vital, with the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic being felt at work and at home. Thanks to our wonderful trustees and operational team, NAPAC has worked more effectively than ever this year, adjusting to keep services open and staff safe. A return to full opening hours of NAPAC’s telephone support line and email support services this week, with a larger space allowing for social distancing, is a direct result of months of hard work.

The return to full-time hours – 10am until 9pm Mondays through Thursdays, and 10am until 6pm Fridays – has been made possible by the dedication of our survivor support service team, the leadership of our executive team, the guidance and governance from our Board of Trustees and generous investments by our donors.

It is a testament to how robust NAPAC’s governance and services are, that we can do this even as a new national lockdown is announced. There is a lot of uncertainty, but NAPAC will be here to listen to and support the people who need us.

Find out more about Trustees’ Week on the official website