Call our free, confidential support line – 0808 801 0331
Monday to Thursday: 10am – 9pm
Friday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday and Sunday – Closed
We’re taking calls from 10am until 9pm Mondays to Thursdays, and 10am until 6pm on Fridays
We are a very small team and it can be difficult to get through. Please try at different times rather than re-dialling repeatedly as our team dedicate time to finish each call.
We offer 30 minutes of supportive listening with signposting if that is relevant to your needs, but we cannot offer on-going support or counselling.
We also offer support by email –
Please call our support line if you need to talk to someone soon, and try at different times if you have difficulty getting through.
NAPAC’s series of booklets for survivors and those who support them are free to download and are also available in audio format.
We want to keep supporting you and also to make sure that our staff and everyone else are safe.
For general enquiries please email
For support, please call 0808 801 0331 or email
We’ll be sharing lots of information about self-care across our social media channels or on NAPAC’s news page
Our postal and registered office address is NAPAC, Arc House, NAPAC – Canopi, 82 Tanner St, London SE1 3GN
We welcome and value feedback as this enables us to listen, learn, and to improve what we do and how we do it. In short, your compliments, comments and complaints help us improve the direct and indirect support we are able to offer adult survivors of abuse. Read NAPAC’s feedback policy.
We are a small team and the best way of contacting us in the first instance is either using the form below or emailing so it reaches the right person.
The National Association For People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC) © is a Registered Charity in England and Wales.
Registered Charity No. 1069802 | Company No. 3565696 | Registered Office: NAPAC, Arc House, - Canopi, 82 Tanner St, London SE1 3GN | © 2024 |