NAPAC is supported entirely by voluntary contributions. Financial arrangements with corporate organisations enable us to provide free support to survivors via our telephone line and website.
Call our free, confidential support line:
0808 801 0331
Monday to Thursday: 10am – 9pm
Friday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday and Sunday – Closed
Need to talk? Call our support line, free from landlines or mobiles.
10am-9pm Mondays to Thursdays & 10am-6pm on Fridays
Calls will not show on your bill
NAPAC’s series of booklets for survivors and those who support them are free to download
and are also available in audio format.
You may find some of the following legal resources and information helpful when considering legal action against the person who abused you.
Restorative Justice may be used for child sexual abuse cases. It represents an alternative to the traditional criminal justice route and can prevent the inevitable re-traumatisation that comes from giving statements and cross-examination in court. Find out more about Restorative Justice for survivors of child sexual abuse
There are child abuse inquiries which are hearing from survivors in England and Wales (IICSA) and Scotland. In Northern Ireland and Jersey the inquiries have been completed. Find out more
NAPAC’s telephone support lines provides a listening service to our callers. Some callers just want to talk about their experiences and feelings. Other callers want more specific advice about reporting to the police or seeking legal advice.
Although NAPAC itself cannot provide legal advice, we are familiar with specialist law firms who work in the area of non-recent childhood abuse and can signpost to you to these below.
If you are looking for legal advice for your particular case, then you may wish to consider getting in touch with some of the following law firms.
Please be aware that in signposting we are not ‘recommending’ a particular law firm. We suggest that anyone wishing to seek advice from a lawyer should consult more than one firm before coming to a decision.
NAPAC cannot provide your individual information or case directly to a law firm in regard to a potential claim. Anyone seeking legal advice must contact the law firm directly.
You may also find a local solicitor via The Law Society
The National Association For People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC) © is a Registered Charity in England and Wales.
Registered Charity No. 1069802 | Company No. 3565696 | Registered Office: NAPAC, Canopi, 7-14 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YR. | © 2023 |