We can now offer our specialist one-day training course, Supporting Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse (SASCA), to individual professionals working with people who suffered any type of abuse in childhood. Until now SASCA has only been available to organisations.
The course is aimed at professionals including GPs, mental health professionals and other healthcare staff, police, probation officers, social workers, safeguarding officers and counsellors or therapists who may be working directly with adult survivors. It is also suitable for those studying a relevant subject, to deepen their knowledge about the impacts of child abuse into adulthood.
Date: Sat 2 Dec 2017
Location: London, EC2A
Book by 31 Oct for an early bird discount. Book through EventBrite
The SASCA course will enhance your professional development by offering you a greater understanding of how to work compassionately and effectively with survivors, so you can improve and broaden your competence, knowledge and skills and apply trauma-informed principles.