Activity 14
What would be an appropriate trauma-informed response to each of the behaviours described? Consider the threat reactions discussed earlier that are driving the behaviours. Click below to reveal suggested responses.
What would be an appropriate trauma-informed response to each of the behaviours described? Consider the threat reactions discussed earlier that are driving the behaviours. Click below to reveal suggested responses.
Can you think of some basic grounding techniques that will help a person to return to their window of tolerance if they show signs of threat responses?
Make some notes about the observable signs of the fight, flight, freeze and friend / appease responses. Once you have finished, click below to see a list of responses for
In the next lesson, we will be looking at other potential ‘triggers’ in service settings. What is your definition of ‘trigger’?’ Can you think of anything in your current work
Review the notes you made while watching the video. Click below to see an example of some of the issues raised by Nigel and compare your notes.
Review the notes you made while watching the video. Click below to see an example of some of the issues raised by Sue and compare your notes.
How does the list of coping mechanisms compare to your list? What judgments do you have about some of these behaviours? Why? Make some notes for yourself.
How do you cope when you feel stressed or are in emotional discomfort? What do your friends do when they are stressed? Think of some of the most common ways
What do you know about the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? Make some notes for yourself before continuing to the next topic to compare what you already know with
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